History and Vision

The inspiration for Love and Care.
Love and Care Limited was founded in July 2014. The name was inspired by Raj Sisodia, a founding member of the Conscious Capitalism movement, at a presentation he gave in Auckland that same month. He posed the question “Can a business be built on Love and Care?” Having just exited a tech company and I was motivated to encourage people to look at their own selves as a starting point and to ensure their business idea was aligned with their own values, that it was something worth doing, and that they consider ALL stakeholders, including Nature and other beings in the process. Love and Care felt like a great name to encapsulate my vision.
Ten years on and Love and Care Ltd is evolving to be less about those in business and simply about encouraging a way of being to anyone who is interested. We offer practises and retreats in natural settings that are designed to reconnect - with yourself, with others and with Nature itself.
Love and Care is also a great mantra to live by and it is great to be reminded of it on a regular basis. As my son says to me on occasion, “love and care, Mum. love and care.”
Clarity and the confidence to move forward aligned with principles and purpose’. That’s what working with Deborah from Love & Care helps me find. She is a kind but fair and firm coach and mentor who I have worked with personally and have also been privileged to have work with our team at Venture Centre.
We all know business is about people. Deb has the insight and tools to dig into what’s really going on for the individuals in the room, support and facilitate the discussion until the participants find their connection and their way on a shared path.
The ‘Way of Nature’ might sound a bit kooky to some and not at all business related. Let me tell you it is worth putting your prejudice aside if you want to build a true value for all of the people you touch – your associates, contractors, employees, stakeholders, customers and of course yourself. We are all building interrelated ecosystems after all!
Jo Allum
Co Founder, Venture Center
In general, business coaches or facilitators help you with developing your business skills. Even though this is imperative, being an entrepreneur is the best way to get to know yourself and being a successful one has so much to do with how you handle your shit.
It matters so much how developed you are as a person; how you react to events and people, how you manage the mindfield and rollercoaster of the journey, the self-worth and assertion you have going into negotiations, the capacity you have to build authentic relationships and how your vision for your business connects with your beliefs and the impact you want to make on the world. Love & Care helps you identify, cultivate and enhance all of these aspects into one coaching practice – regardless of the length of time you sign up for. At least that sums up my personal experience!
Courtney Linnecar
Founder, HappyLocal
My go to places
Presencing Institute
The Presencing Institute is an awareness-based action-research community for profound individual and institutional renewal. Over the past two decades, we have developed Theory U as a social technology, led cross-sector change initiatives worldwide, and created a popular innovation platform (originally launched as a Massive Open Online Course) called u.lab.

Certified B Corporations
Certified B CorporationsTM redefine success in business.
Individually, B Corps meet the highest standards of verified social and environmental performance, public transparency, and legal accountability, and aspire to use the power of markets to solve social and environmental problems.
Collectively, B Corps lead a growing global movement of people using business as a force for goodTM. Through the power of their collective voice, one day all companies will compete to be best for the worldTM, and society will enjoy a more shared and durable prosperity for all.

Edmund Hillary Fellowship
A community of high-impact entrepreneurs, investors and changemakers, collaboratively building solutions to global challenges from Aotearoa New Zealand, and leading the way to a better world.
Work I admire

“The best way to overcome the inevitable loneliness of life at the top may be to connect and mindfully attend to the process that’s already underway – the unconscious sharing that undergirds every relationship.”
Jerry Colonna is an executive coach who uses the skills he learned as a venture capitalist to help entrepreneurs. He draws on his wide variety of experiences to help clients design a more conscious life and make needed changes to their career to improve their performance and satisfaction.

Ellen Macarthur Foundation
The Ellen MacArthur Foundation works with business, government and academia to build a framework for an economy that is restorative and regenerative by design.

Ministry for the Environment
Making sure that our amazing corner of the world stays that way. In 100 years’ time we want to be the most liveable place imaginable, backed by evidence of our natural capital and what it takes to achieve sustainable prosperity.