Navigating how to “do good in the world” in todays complex business environment is tricky. The stronger our own connection with our inner conviction and with our external environment, the easier this becomes. My personal mission is to build and strengthen my own connection to my True Self and to apply that in the most effective way possible. I have found dedicated time in nature under the guidance of powerful teachings has been invaluable in becoming who I am today and in doing what I do.
I’m enthusiastic about Business and the place it plays in creating opportunities, employment and products or services that enhance the lives of all. I combine over 25 years of professional and entrepreneurial experience with my curiosity for innovation and commitment to my own personal development.
It is an ever evolving journey – this website is a place where I can share this journey and inspire you to take a holistic approach to incorporating all that you are into your business.
I am based in the beautiful Bay of Plenty, New Zealand, where I am fortunate to have the Pacific Ocean at my back door and an abundance of native bush, rivers and mountains near by to fuel my creativity and innovation. I get to share this with my husband, Duncan Catanach and our son, Mani.

Deborah Crowe
Better Relationships. Better Business.
When you are clear about your own vision and boundaries, you are able to articulate your business vision and objectives to key people in ways that are authentic and meaningful. I am available for facilitation, training and speaking engagements.

Love & Care Limited
A mantra to live by
Love and Care is as much about a philosophy as it is a business in it’s own right. We are ambassadors for our planet and committed to the growth and transformation of leaders and entrepreneurs who are committed to doing less harm and more good, for the benefit of humanity, the environment and all other beings in this world.

Way of Nature New Zealand
Spiritual Fellowship
The Way of Nature New Zealand is part of the global Way of Nature organisation. The Way of Nature offers programmes that connect people with outer nature and their own inner nature, working with principles such as relaxation, presence, cultivating energy and opening the heart.
Coming Up

APAC Blockchain Conference 2019 Sydney 22-24 July 2019
Topic: “Blockchain – a game changer in promoting environmental sustainability”

Heartland Festival
In May 2018, Deborah joined Fritz Henglein and Nikolaj Sonne at the Heartland Festival in Denmark as part of the Future Talks Series. They discussed the emergence of blockchain, what it is and delved into the underlying questions of trust and transparency.
They talked about how it is currently being applied, and explored some the implications of its future application. What are the social considerations and how to we ensure blockchain serves us in a good way?