PWN Workshops arranged on request
They are held in untouched natural environments.
Many programmes focus on personal development. This progamme focuses on how we deliver our own goodness into the world for the benefit of All. Programmes are typically designed for a group with a particular theme or “Those who we are in Service to”.
The Partnering with Nature Workshop is held in settings which provide access to wild nature environments – e.g. native bush, a remote beach to enable us to establish a divine relationship with nature and all that resides within. Nature is non-judgemental. When treated with respect and reverence it will open up it’s gifts to you at levels you may not have previously realised existed.
“A big thank you to Deborah & Claire; at a time when there’s so much madness in the world, the retreat was both a chance to reconnect with nature and myself. It felt very much like a watershed moment with so much subsequent conversation centered on the need for a reconnection to begin to address the many social and environmental problems we face – I highly recommend this retreat…”
Peter Thompson, CEO The Formary, SBN Board member
Day 1: Arrive at our location, ideally for a 9 am start. We will introduce you to each other and the natural environment you are about to spend the next two days in. We will take you through nature connection exercises, the basic principles of the Way of Nature, including relaxation and presencing meditations. After lunch, you will have a short period of time on your own in a spot of your choosing and then we will come back together for sharing and discussion exploring the nature of purpose from a worldview of interconnectedness and wellbeing. We’ll finish our formal teachings around 5 pm and then it’s free time with dinner and typically somewhat lively conversation.
Day 2 will start with some energy cultivation and connection exercises, followed by breakfast. We’ll then have a period for reflection of day 1 and discussion regarding direct communication with Nature. From this you will find your spot, or a new one, and have 2 hours on your own our in nature. You’ll return for lunch and then we wrap up with a period of sharings, reflections and next steps. We aim to finish by 4.30pm.
This nurturing two-day workshop explores:
- healing with nature and personal cultivation so that we can be of the greatest service
- receiving guidance from nature and spirit
- mindfulness and conscious relaxation in nature
At the end of the two days, it is highly likely that you will
- strengthen your own sense of purpose and understanding of your true self
- feel deeply connected with specific aspects of the environment
- develop strong connection and trust bonds with your fellow participants
- feel deeply nourished and rejuvenated
Venue, Food and Pricing

Partnering with Nature workshops are designed around a specific group. We find a location that has accommodation and a teaching area, with easy access to a natural setting that has not been interfered with by mankind (or has regenerated for at least 50 years). We chose somewhere that is most suited to the location of the participants and are open to suggestions.
We ensure there is the provision of delicious nutritious food for the duration of the workshop.
Price is determined based on a values exchange discussion taking into account the number of participants, logistics and a fair financial exchange for the teachings.